Saturday, September 01, 2007

Jessica Power

This part of my post is all about Jessica. She was a super hiker. She looks like a babe on the mountain....

...but scrambled over rocks like a mountain goat...

...sustained major skin loss on the bottoms of her toes, but the tops retained a fashionable sense of color... (I am loving the orange, btw.)

...uh, she may or may not be happy here...

...but she is definitely happy here!

(On a side note, we both ate steak after the hike and the boys all ate wuss burgers.)


Blogger Jessica said...

I am glad you love me:)And coaxed me up the last 600 feet of the hike. It's so wrong that a 9 mile hike ends up hill...

10:50 PM  
Blogger Jenni said...

Yes, I agree. A hike ending uphill is cruel and unusual punishment.

12:14 AM  

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